Saturday, September 6, 2008

Four and a half

We celebrated Piper's four-and-a-halfth birthday today, just for fun. She and I made a cake yesterday, and iced it today. It worked out that her friend Aimee could come over for a sleepover, so they had fun making a tent in the loungeroom, hunting for some lollies Gord hid, and consuming cake. All's quiet in Piper's room, so maybe they've even gone to sleep!


...and Piper!

Here's Jasper stuffing his face - he loved the cake. But actualy, he stuffs his mouth full most of the time, no matter what we're eating!

Gord and I are sitting down side by side with our laptops, something we haven't done for a long time. Both blogging - how's that! We have cups of tea we half-heartedly want to drink - just doing our bit to use up teabags in the cupboard. So it was chamomile for me last night, green tea this morning and now cascade mint, but what I really want is plain old Earl Grey! I didn't buy any today - very restrained of me! Gord is slowly plowing his way through the vanilla roiboos.

Okay, I take that back, that they'd gone to sleep! No yet...

So yes, furthering our efforts to deplete our food supply, we finally defrosted the turkey we got for free at Stuperstore when we first got here. Shaun and Helena are coming for tea tomorrow night, so they'll help us eat some of it. The rest, Gord wants to mince up before we cook it. It's not my favourite thing, finding old stuff in the freezer and eating it, but I'm being stoic. It helps having a list of what's in there - I should probably have done that from the start, then there wouldn't be so much old stuff in there!

In other news, our vegemite is ALL GONE! Sob, sob! Carolyn kindly brought over a tube in May, to replace a little jar Mum and Dad sent over earlier, and because we were going through it so slowly, I turned Mum down when she offered to bring some more over in July. However, I was not counting on pregnancy cravings for warm buttered toast and vegemite! I now resort to Grandma Wiebe's homemade peach jam, which is definitely delicious, but hardly salty! We had Grandma and Grandpa Wiebe over for tea this week, which is how we came by the peach jam (before that, I was resorting to plain old honey), and they told us that sometimes for dessert, they eat a spoonful of the jam right out of the jar! I think that's cute. Good to know you can still do fun things like that in your mid-eighties!
Anyway, I really need to go to bed, so ciao for now!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I think we need to move so I can empty out my freezer. Yuck! I have stuff that's much older than 10 months in there. I don't throw it away b/c I keep thinking that maybe I'll eat it yet. But if I'm ever going to eat it, I have to just do it .. and probably not really enjoy it.

Love the 1/2 birthday party. Fun stuff.