Friday, February 2, 2007

Friday afternoon

Yep, Friday afternoon. Piper's reading to herself in bed, after a busy morning at childcare. I'm wondering how to use the time - more and more these days the thought of being in bed is very tempting. Third trimester is kicking in... However, I've also been hit with the nesting phase, which in my case looks like me trying to finish all the knitting and sewing projects I've started in the last year! Somehow my world is being reduced to craft, daggy as that sounds.

This week has been hard, emotionally. Nothing like running face to face with your shadow. I feel like my shadow is so ugly, and I'd rather it not be there, but I think it's here to stay. The sooner I accept it, befriend it even, the better. Yes, hello rage, glad you're there! Hello, passive aggression!

Anyway, I'm feeling better now, after a very rough start to the week (just ask Gord! And I'm not even premenstrual! Although I guess pregnancy still makes you hormonal...) Thought I'd try adding some images so here goes... This is a photo of Piper and Miri (from Gembrook) while we were staying at the Duthies' place in December...

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