Friday, February 2, 2007

Fri evening in Gord's head

Hey, this is a scary place to be...

At the start of a rambling Fri night entry, sending this out to the world... stream of consciousness is a bit of a trickle at the end of a longish work week... a week that involved meeting a builder in Grmbrook, as well as producing a bunch of good stuff in the office.

Tonight, Australia is losing the cricket for the first time this summer. Serves them right, though most likely they will come back and be even stronger for the experience.

Nothing useful really to say. The blog space is new, so I should go and add a link into the template so that the old pages are still there.

Oh, and Shawn, good to see that you are still out there reading faithfully. We will be in Canada for 9 months starting in Dec, so hopefully we will be able to see you at that time.

I also have to try out the picture posting thing, so that's the next bit to do...

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