Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week 6

It's been a funny week for weather: in this series of polaroids, there's a shot of me (with my eyes watering) when it was something like -42. Then on Friday it was -27 with the windchill, but Piper and I walked all the way home from Anna's house together! Every now and then she'd comment that her hands were cold, and I kept on asking if she wanted to hop in the chariot, but she really wanted to walk. I was just gobsmacked, cos I can remember when it was a struggle to get her to walk the ten minutes to the market in sunny weather! By the time we turned onto Walnut, almost home, she was saying how nice it would be to be at the beach! I had to agree... And then today, it was supposed to be something like +1! We had the most amazing snow - enormous flakes falling fast. Dar, Wendy, Shannon and I went for a walk - I should post some of those shots. Beautiful to be outside. And lovely that it was (relatively) warm!

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