Monday, April 30, 2007

Waiting...with a new camera!

Hello all,

(Wrote this a couple of days ago but the slow internet connection made it veritably impossible to upload! Anyway, here it is...)

Have been meaning to communicate for at least week and upload some pics, but it's taken me this long to get the new camera
software onto my computer. Yes, so did we say we lashed out on a digital SLR?? (second hand of course- thanks ebay) We had planned (vaguely) to buy a video camera, but we came to the realisation that we both probably wouldn't use it that much - we both get off more on framing shots and stuff. So we've been relatively trigger happy this week - will put a
few up here (or in the next posts).

Anyway, the other news is that there's no news! On the baby that is... It's still wriggling around in me, despite the due date passing as on Wed 25th. But when I think about it, if I was the baby, I'd make the most of the cosy space it's in while I could! We haven't at all started stressing yet (I might in a week!), but it's a really wierd waiting space. Piper was a day early, and we'd been so busy before that, that waiting never entered into it. With this kiddo, there's been things to finish and get done, but they are largely done and it's all bonus time now... We've been doing lots of socialising - had something on almost every night last week...

Last weekend we were up at Gembrook - I was so
glad we went up, cos at first I didn't want to, in case I had to sit in the car for an hour all the way home if I went into labour. However, when the weekend came round, we just decided to go, and while I was there, it felt so good to be there, like there was nowhere else I'd rather be right then - a really lovely feeling. The main task for the working bee was to clear the fenceline along one of the boundary roads, so we can get a new fence put in. I love burning off, and did my bit while Jane looked after the kids, even if I was a bit slow and had to take a few rests! I remembered that two weeks before Piper was born, we were up at Gembrook too, cutting down a massive tree with John and Anne, Gord's parents, and stacking up a big woodpile. Felt good to be engaged with the land, and it doesn't seem to bring labour on! Anyway, I was proud of my blackberry scratches!

Anyway, will finish this post here and see it it will upload this time!

Love Bec

P.S. The first photo is of Jane and the kids with the very sick wombat who hangs around the property. For one thing, it wouldn't normally be out during the day, and you'd usually never get that close it it. It's almost blind, I think, and is very sick with mange.... But still, great to see one up close...

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