Sunday, September 6, 2009

Family update

(Gord and Jethro today - we're celebrating the Saints grinding the Pies into the ground!)

Jethro is growing, but it's catching me by surprise because he has eczema and that's more what I think about when I look at him. Still, despite his red forehead, he's feeding well and chubbsing up into a boodgy bubba, just like he's supposed to do! And his eczema does seems to be settling down. Gord commented the other day that Jethro knows he's part of a mob - he's kept company in the back seat of the car by two other talkative gits, and entertained by them when he's lying on his playmat, and cheered by them at the end of the day when he's just about ready for bed. Fantastic seeing them build their own relationships with each other.

(Bit of Playschool watching!)

(Jasper the Ape-man, after an attack of the facepaint - on his legs!)

Jasper's a tremendous mimic - of Piper in particular. Here's he's doing a funny face of Piper's, one that's often pulled for the camera. He knows a few letters, and not surprisingly, these are P and I. I heard him saying them to himself over and over to himself just recently. He's like an echo of the eldest! And great fun...

While Jethro slept (for ages!) this afternoon, Piper and I sorted out all her clothes - somehow they had accumulated, and on top of this, we were trying a system where she didn't have to fold her clothes in her drawers, so it was total chaos and she had trouble finding stuff, of course. Anyway, I was bemused and perhaps disturbed by the MOUNTAIN of clothes that are now no longer part of her wardrobe. I was reminded that she's a part of this affluent Western life many of us take part in...

The clothes and a myriad of other bits and pieces from our household will get taken to the Really Really Free Market, an event a friend and I are organising where people turn up with stuff to give away and share. It's kind of a loose cannon event - not sure how it will go down - but here's to experimentation and challenging societal norm!

On a different note, on Monday (two days away), Gord's cousin Matt arrives from Canada to stay for a month, so September is semi-holidays mode. Gord's taking two weeks off, we're heading down to Lorne, and somewhere else too (not sure yet). Matt and Gord will work on building a deck out the back, and that, along with the terracing job finished with redgum sleepers, will really change the feel of the backyard, I reckon, just in time for my 30th bday dance party!

Much love to all!

(taken in my parents' front yard - September 2009)

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