Monday, June 8, 2009

Wood for winter

Now that we have the you-beaut woodstove, we've had to pile up some logs to go in it! Check out my axe-action!

Gord says my posture is crap, but hey...

...look at that! Three-way-split, thankyou very much, so who gives a fig about posture! (Must admit, it was amazing splitting wood...)

Our efforts. Okay, make that mostly Gord's efforts! He and our neighbour, Brett, cut and hauled five ute-loads of logs from the state forest nearby - took them around eight hours all up. Now we're set for maybe six weeks, which somehow doesn't seem like much time... =)


Monica said...

Look at all that wood!! Mark and my dad have been stockpiling wood for days. Days. It's crazy ....

Garth said...

Impressive wood splitting! Hey summer hasn't been the same with out you guys here in MB so I guess we'll just have to come visit you come winter 2010. Plans are coming together - we'll be based in NZ but hope to spend at least a month in Aus.