Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve: a day of errands and activity and anticipation. Last minute sewing - a Christmas skirt for Piper, and a rainbow headband. Last minute knitting - in secret in the library. Actually, a whole hour at the library, to faciliate said secret knitting, but also finding a whole pile of Christmas books to faciliate getting into the spirit of things. Cleaning up the house. Much gift wrapping, of course.

Making time for a treat, a Christmas movie - it was going to be Rudolph, but Gord accidentally downloaded a German version. So instead, Home Alone, a movie I enjoyed when I was younger - some quotes were still there in my head: "keep the change, you filthy animal!" A bit over the kids' heads, but Piper enjoyed the goofy get-the-baddies scenes. Laundry to be dealt with.

Buttery popcorn.

And then the arrival of Pippa and Poppa in the evening, right when the movie had finished. Very exciting, calling for some spinning about!

A Christmas pear tree, hopefully the first of an orchard in the front yard. A growing pile of gifts below, causing much anticipation. And finally to bed.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Love this. I know I say that every time I comment, but I REALLY mean it every time. And that's what pops into my head.

And that sunshine ... ahhhh ... you are too cute sneaking away to knit.

We gorged on your scone recipe at church and lunch. And now the girls and I are off to the theatre to watch Bedtime Stories, with Adam Sandler.

I want to see Australia. Any thoughts on that movie? Have you seen it? I've heard only wonderful things.

I remember Home Alone too. Getting the baddies. Oh yeah. I think my girls would enjoy that too.