Monday, May 12, 2008

John's 65th

Gord's Dad turned 65 in April, and the kids secretly plotted a surprise party for him, held in Jeff and Sharon's garage. The weather was perfect and everything went to plan. It was a beeeeg surprise for John - upon walking in and gazing at everyone, he did an abrupt about face and walked out again. I can relate - who wants a startle (that's a new collective noun, everyone!) of noisy relatives and friends yelling at one, when one was expecting simply a small family gathering. John had even picked up Chicken Chef chicken as a surprise feast for his kids and other hangers-on (such as myself!). After the initial shock, the party got going, especially once people were outside. Gord had made a pinata in the shape of a pig, so John was blindfolded and handed a hockey stick. Only hitch was, Gord has asked Uncle Henry (biggest prankster on the Wiebe side) to pull the pig out of the way every time John took a swing at it. Very funny. Hopefully caught on video, which I might one day be able to put up (along with that video of everyone eating donuts on a string at Piper's birthday!). Just don't hold your breath!

(left to right): Uncle Dave, Uncle Harvey and John.

Gord and I made masses of raisin cake and iced it very simply with a target and arrow.

Jasper, Cousin Matt (or Mr McKrahn, as he's known at our place) and Gramma Wiebe. All smiles when no one's looking...

...and then all serious when facing the camera!

Gord talking to the father-in-law of the only other Aussie I know (kind of) here.

Piper and her cousins, Mason, Zach and Ty.

More cousins: Makenna, Rae, Taelyn and Cassie.

A bit of camera-snapping fun with Jas and Makenna and Mason's playhouse...

The field at the back of Jeff and Sharon's place, frogs burbling loudly in the lagoon. (Not the manure lagoon, I might add!)

And now the real story-telling begins, outside around the campfire in the twilight...

A shot of myself, for once.

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