Monday, November 9, 2009

Terracing and crop circles

What happens when you take one weekend, and then add:

5 loads of laundry.
2 hot 30+ days
2 visiting familys
2 mornings working on terracing
40 corn plants
1 engagement party

We ended up with:
1 finished set of garden beds
A lot of folded laundry
1 crop circle
A couple of full stomachs

In other words, it wasn't relaxing, but still very good.

The garden beds were very satisfying. After putting them off for a few weeks, they went up in about 5 hours of hard yakka. Then some compost, a bit of lime and blood and bone for good measure, layout out the watering hose, and then a token layer of pea straw over the top.

Come and get us summer, we're ready for you.

Bec, in the meantime, true to her emerging earthy roots, was in the top corner of the yard seeding crop circles in corn. The idea is that they will grow up into another garden feature/play structure for the kids. Piper already claimed ownership...

Finally a look into the corner of the yard, where last weeknd we put down a lot of newspaper and mulched up the raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. A berry good time of it as well...

Only a few more jobs to go this year - finish the steps into the back yard, get a pump hooked up to the big tap and get a few taps hooked up to it, a shade cloth over the deak, a few more for the kids to play under, a sand pit, play structure... sigh... suppose I'll be at it for a while yet.
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1 comment:

Leslie Crist said...

How did the corn crop circles turn out? Any hope for actual corn? The terracing is lovely!